Friday, October 25, 2013

Sorry I'm too fab!

 So a lot of people lately have been talking about how book fangirls are crazy and that we need to live our own lives and not the lives of fictional characters. There are a number of reasons why this pisses me off so here we go. 

1. No ones life is perfect and every single person in the world has a way of coping with life. Books help you feel a happiness that you may not feel in your life and I think having a short escape every once in a while is important for your emotional help. 

2. How are girls who pretend they are going to marry celebrities that they will probably never meet any different from us. They are the ones that have been talking crap and it kills me because they are living in a fantasy world too. #hypocrites 

3. I wear my crazy on my sleeve. I'm not going to stop obsessing over books just because some hoe tells me I'm crazy. This is my life and I'll honestly say, heck yes I'm crazy!!! I'm a crazy obsessive book fangirl and I'm proud! 

4. Let's be honest they should honestly be amazed by us (wink wink). We juggle blogs, fan pages, social life, school work, and keeping our feels undercontrol all at once!!! We are freaking book warriors y'all. 

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