Sunday, September 28, 2014

Falling but not landing

II've never nessicarily thought of myself as a suicidal person, because I'm not. I want to live. I really do. I do see myself as depressed though and I'm afraid someday that will turn me into something worse. There's something horrifyingly beautiful about the fact that people enter and exit our lives so swiftly. I chose to focus more on the horror. 

If someone were to ask me if I would leave this earth given the chance, I would probably say no but yes. I meant it when I said I want to live out life, but I also don't want to live through more pain. I'm not sure exactly what I would answer. I'm a very complicated person. 

The disappointment is just overwhelming. The judgment from others, the lies, the fake ass people who were beautifully painted masks to hide their ugly insides, the people I love that are either taken away or leave. It's all too much. I feel myself falling but never really hitting the ground. I get a taste of the pain and sorrow you receive from living but no matter how many times I jump over the edge, I still never land. I never die. 

This is a blessing but also a nusience to me. I want to give up. But I don't want to hurt the people around me. I can't be selfish. I just can't be. It's so hard not to be sometimes though. Sometimes when I'm thinking of ways I could die, I think of my mothers face. How disappointed she would be in me if she knew. Then I think of how horrified and ruined she would be if she found her youngest dead. I couldn't do that to her ever. Or anyone in my family for that matter. 

So here I am. Slowly dripping down the pane of life. Trying to figure out what to do. If I didn't have my family, I would have been dead a long time ago. 

I'm trying.

I'm trying. 

"I wanna fly, can you take me far away? Give me a star to reach for. Tell me what it takes and I'll go so high. I'll go so high, my feet won't touch the ground. I stitch my wings and pull the strings. I bought these dreams, that all fall down."  

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Social media and stuff

Since it's been a while since I posted, all of my URLS have changed for like EVERYTHING because I updated them a long while ago. So here are the new ones (I'm not changing these again btw) 

Twitter: personal account- @some_booknerd 
Fan account- @cather_katnip

Instagram: @some_booknerd

Tumblr: @radioactive-Lawrence

Vine: Elise hudson 

Come find me! 


Friday, September 12, 2014

Tfios in 4 days

So I'm sure everyone knows already but TFIOS comes out on DVD in 4 days. 4 DAYS! I already have money saved for it and I'm prepared to die just like I did in the theater. 
One thing I realized though was that I never posted about when I saw the movie so I will now. I saw TFIOS the day before it came out in theaters. I went to a special presentation for it that was called "the night before our stars" where they gave us signed posters, charm bracelets, and we got to have a live chat with the cast and john green after the movie. 

It was such an amazing night. I cried so hard that I was literally dry heaving and I almost threw up. (I know I'm a dork) but for real it was so beautiful. It was almost exact to the book and it just killed me. It's just such a sick, twisted, and beautiful story all at once. I'm very thankful I got the opportunity that I did to see it in advance. 

So ya. I'm getting the DVD this Tuesday and I can't wait to drown in my own tears all over again. 
