Monday, September 30, 2013

Confession #7????

I am obsessed with twitter..... Ya I have issues. Follow me at @rachett_fangirl though lolol oh and there is this really amazing twitter account of this FANBOY of like all the best book fandoms and he's totally hot ;) follow him at @liamkelsall ❤️

Harry you dumb arse!

I freaking love this because it's so true. Lol XD 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The fault in our stars movie

Honestly I am excited as crap for this movie. I think the people they picked to play hazel and Augustus are PERFECT (it's extra weird how they are in divergent too) but there are so many feels from just the freaking picture that they take on set. I'm not going to be able to watch this movie without crying. The book made me cry way to hard so I know the movie will too. From all the pictures that I have seen it looks like it is going to be very accurate compared to the book so I'm excited c:

Logan Lerman ❤️ (my boo)

Just imagine someone calling your name in class and you turn around and it's Logan Lerman. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I would stop everything I was doing, run to him, land in his arms, then die. 

Catching fire.

This is the sound track for catching fire and OMG THIS IS WAY TO PERFECT LIKE SERIOUSLY ❤️

Sorry I have been gone

It's been a while since I have posted and I'm really sorry. I have had so hectic things happen lately which include getting a concussion, being bullied by my ex best friend, being sick, ect. So I'm gonna try to post a lot today ❤️ Love you guys

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

What does the fox say???

Lolol this song is so funny and so good, you guys seriously need to look it up if you haven't. Just throwing this out there c;
What does the fox say!!?!?!?! IDNFJDNCIDNJDDNIFNDJFFN LOL

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence

I look up to jennifer Lawrence LIKE CRAZY! She is and amazing actress, she is not afraid to be herself, she's funny, she's so nice like how could you not like her. I honest which I was like her *rant over*. :* 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The cellar.

So there is this story on wattpad that is simply amazing called "the cellar" by Natasha Preston. If you like thrillers you will love it :) I sure do. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

The unwind series

In this series, the government made a law saying you could "unwind" your child as long as they are ages 12-18. Unwinding, you may wonder, is where a child is cut up into parts and donated, and during almost the whole procedure they keep the child awake. The reason for unwinding is about over population and keeping "troubled" kids out of the world. The series follows three AWOL unwindes, Conner, Risa, and lev who all get away from unwinding and cross paths unexpectedly. This story is honestly amazing, thrilling, and a little romantic so I DEFIANTLY recommend it. Here is an AMAZING fan made video that portrays hoe unwinding happenes. 


OMGER OMGER OMGER OMGER it's the cover for the third and final unwind series book EEEEEEPPP OMG I'm so excited this is literally one of my favorite series and I REALLY JUST HOPE CONNER FINDS RISA AGAIN OMG okay I need to calm down *blows out exasperated breath*if you're interested in reading them all three in order are.   Unwind, unwholly, and unsouled (this one). I'll give a summery about it in my next post. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Self advertisement cuz I'm dumb :p

If any of you guys want to reach me out side of the blog here are my user names. 
wattpad: @ChasingDayLight
Twitter: @rachett_fangirl 
Instagram: @mrs_percy_jackson3 

The magic continues

So a lot of you have probably heard that they are making another Harry potter movie and I'm as excited as crap! I heard it is going to be a spin off series and that's all I know sadly :( if you know anything else about it let me know. 

Mundanes >:(

Alright I'm like super pissed right now. I was on ifunny and I created and posted this picture 
After posting it some idiot talked about how one direction was lame and fangirls were stupid so I calmly told him that I was not a one direction fan at all and that I was talking about BOOK FANGIRLS. and this is what he messaged back 
I LITERALLY lost my cool and said this "you really are an idiot. Of course there are book fangirls! Definition of a fangirl- a girl that is a freaking fan of something! It's not that hard to understand!" (Sorry I couldn't screen shot it cuz I used a lot of rude language) but man I was so pissed and a whole bunch of people liked my comment and the guy never answered back so HA I'm the master commander!! But any who after this incident I felt like i needed to make this 
Lol I regret nothing. 


Guys. I may or may not have just duck taped almost my entire foot but actually I did and I don't know why so just to make someone's day here you go 
Do I regret anything? No not really. You see this is why my friends call me the crazy one. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Don't let life tear you down.

I obviously realize that this isn't book related but I really just have stuff that I need to let go of. So today In English we were talking about the novel "I know why the caged bird sings." And how the main characters life wouldn't have been the way it was if it hadn't have been for the hard things she had to over come and it just reminds me of myself. 
       Last year I went through a lot of hard things. One of my best friends replaced me, I started getting in fights with my family a lot, my sister graduated so I was the only kid left (cuz I'm the youngest), and I started having melt downs every single day. I wasn't happy with myself and felt so alone constantly. I also had people tell me that I was too negative and that I needed to be more happy. All I could think was "how am I supposed to be so happy when I have a life like this?" Finally it got to the point where school was about to start again and I realized I spent my whole entire summer being depressed and feeling like crap. I finally decided that I should just be the person that people actually wanted me to be, so that's what I did. When I was pissed I wouldn't tell anyone for fear that they would say I was being negative. I kept every feeling in and I mostly still am. Sure in the inside of my self I'm in endless pain but there is no point in telling people since its just "too negative". The point is though is that the things that happen in our life shape who we are. I wouldn't be this person that I am now if it wasn't for all the pain this past summer had caused me. In some ways I feel stronger but also I feel fake by pretending that certain things don't anger me. Honestly if you asked me if I was the same person now that I was last year I would defiantly say no. Just know that life will never be easy. But the more and more you live it, the stronger you become. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Which would you pick?

Gotta love Conner.

So in the unwind series I freaking LOVE Conner Lassiter and I completely ship crisa with a passion. I LOVE him. He's just so sweet and brave and I really hope that in the last book he makes things right with Risa cuz it's KILLING me. They need to release the last book already IDNNFJDJDJNDJDNE 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


So for you shadowhunters, you must know that the herondale boys have some fears of ducks. Also jace is very fawned of his mango ;) so here's a little something for you.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Confession #6

I am a (dun dun dun) MORMON! Before something cray happens I have to say first of, we do NOT practice polygamy and I personally have NOTHING against gay people. Just throwing those out there :) 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Steve Leonard 💔

Okay this freaking part in the movie AND book just hurt my heart. No matter how evil Steve is I was always think of him when he was Darren's best friend. That's the way he started, and that's the way he ended. 💔

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Character sleep over!

Alright, i saw this on an Instagram page and decided I was going to answer this. If I could have a sleep over with 7 fictional characters they would be Percy Jackson, jace herondale, katniss Everdeen, Conner Lassiter, Darren Shan, Augustus waters. I realize that this is awkward because all but one of them are guys but come on now, fictional guys are just AMAZING and HAWT. that would be THE best sleep over of my life. What would yours be?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy little fangirl.

Okay so today I got my allowance and I feel like I spent in VERY well. First thing I bought was...... A FISHY!!!! I knew immediately that I wanted to name him Augustus after Augustus waters from "the fault in our stars" because Augustus was just so amazing and I wanted to be able to remember him forever. So here's my baby. 
Family photo WOO HOO LOL also today I bought...... THE MORGENSTERN RING. I am such a happy little shadowhunter right now like IDNFKEDJDNEIDN it is so freaking amazing. I'm so happy today I can't even hide it. :D 

There's no party like a potter party

So I have only read the first book and half of the second book which is freaking sad but so far HARRY POTTER IN AMAZING. This picture just makes me freaking smile lol :D 

Friday, September 6, 2013

The friends that herp together, derp together

So I know this isn't book related but this is just TOO HAWT not to share (sarcasm intended) 
Me and my best friends just ooze hawtness. Obviously. 

Funerals, Coldplay, and tears.

alright my youngins I am going to say right now that if you haven't read "the fault in our stars" by John green then you SHOULD NOT continue reading unless your okay with me ruining the book for you. But seriously here we go. So today I was scrolling through my twitter feed (follow me at @rachett_fangirl) and I came across this picture. 
The minute I saw this I busted into tears because Augustus's death is the SADDEST part of the book and I'm just not sure how I feel about them making it a movie. Like seriously I'm going to be crying just as hard when I watch the movie. So MANY FEELS IDNFJDNDIDJD this picture just breaks my heart because I know the words she says to Augustus's body and that part made me cry the worst. I can't even. I have lost the ability to even. 
On happier news, Coldplay just released a song called "atlas" which is the first single to be released for the movie "catching fire". It is SUCH an amazing song, and at the end of the music video they show this
It's so perfect right? OMG YES IT IS.... Holy crap I'm talking to myself. Any way,if  you haven't heard the song yet you should defiantly look it up. 

confession #5

I LOVE pewdiepie. i could watch his videos all day. BARRELS!!! IM GONNA STAB YOU YA FREAKIN PEICE OF BARREL!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Confession #4

I'm a little monster (or a fan of lady gaga) the person who converted me to little monster-ism is actually someone who hates me now but all is well. Their loss :p 

Malec twerk

I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel uncomfortable but OMG LOLOLOL I can not stop laughing. This is Magnus and Alec, if you didn't know lol. My life is complete. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The fault in our stars

Okay seriously guys. Omg. Goodness. I'm just so... Messed up right now. I finished the fault in our stars and I honestly can't stop crying. If you haven't read it here is just a warning IT WILL CRUSH YOUR SOUL AND BREAK YOUR HEART INTO A MILLION PEICES!! I have to admit the story was very sweet and it was a very amazing book, but those freaking feels. It's so strong and it hurts your heart so bad. I honestly have lost the ability to even function correctly. I'm in so much pain right now. I really need a hug :,,,,,(

Fashion design

So today in fashion design we were assigned to create a garment that could be anything we wanted. Of corse once she said that I HAD to think of a way it could tie to a book series. So if you couldn't guess this is based off of Percy Jackson. The gray is for Athena and the blue is for Poseidon. It's not even nearly done yet but my teacher stopped me in class and said "that is so amazing!" Which made me feel really good since she said it to no one else :) I tried to make it like something the Greeks would wear but a modern version. I feel pretty proud right now. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Confession #3

I have never learned how to ride a bike. I know I'm a derp 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Shipping isn't easy

Today me and Libby got on the topic of shipping and all though I posted my ships in an earlier post I just have to rant about my favorite. Which is percabeth. Like seriously I have never shipped anything so hard in my life then I have shipped percabeth. Even though I'm IN LOVE with Percy, i obviously know I can never have him so I might as well support his relation ship. But seriously the WHOLE time that I was reading the Percy Jackson books I was just like "KISS, HUG, LOVE EACH OTHER, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUDGE START DATING OMG". The fact that they finally got together in the last book though just was so beautiful to me. Even though I had to go through 4 books of pain, it was worth it. That element to the last book just made it even more amazing. Man I'm so freaking crazy.

Dat hydra though

So along with going to hot topic to check out the mortal instruments merch, we OBVIOUSLY had to go to barns and noble to marvel over the beautiful books. While there though we came across a rack of puppets that seems to bring the "three year old" out of us and guess what Libby found. That's right! IT'S A HYDRA!!! If you don't know this is from Percy Jackson. If you cut of one of his heads, two regrow in its place. So it looks like im going to have to be careful with this guy. ❤

New sexy button ❤

So me and my Best friend/parabatai Libby went to the mall today. We went to hot topic and their mortal instruments section was AMAZING!!! They had the morgenstern ring, stele's, isabell's white dress, rune lanyards, and SO MUCH MORE. I wanted to take it all so that I could die as a happy shadowhunter. But any way Libby bought a pack of buttons that had jace, Magnus, Alec, and Simon AND SHE GAVE ME JACE JDNFJDNFJFNDJDMFJMDFIFN. He is so amazing I'm so happy right now. My best friend is better then yours :p i love you all. I swear 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My ships ❤

-clace (clary and jace)
-wessa (will and Tessa)
-peenis (peeta and katniss) 
-dose (dimitri and rose) 
-percabeth (Percy and annabeth)
-darrby (Darren and debby)
-tobitris (Tobias and tris)
-crisa (Conner and risa)
- hinny (Harry and ginny)
- malec (Magnus and Alec) 
- sizzy (Simon and izzy)
There are a lot more that I ship but these are the ones I could remember. Sowwy. And yes peeta and katniss are peenis. Not my choice. 

Confession #2

In the series called "the infernal devices" I actually never really like Jem carstairs. He was a nice person and all but I didn't like him with Tessa. I'm a wessa shipper ❤