Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Confession #10

 I am bi-curious. 

In My previous post, I mentioned a break up that's been hard on me. That relationship I had was with a technical girl. He was transgender female to male. It really changed my outlook on my sexuality. 

Let's talk about depression

What's up my few readers. you may or may not have noticed that I haven't been on in forever and I apologize. I'm here to give sort of an explanation AND to announce what is going to become of this blog. 

I will tell you first I guess that I was gone for very personal reasons. I'm not going to go into to detail but the gist of it is, I have been suffering a major depression due to a very influential person in my life moving out of the house, a really devastating break up that I went through recently, and just growing up in general. 

I have been in this depression for the past maybe 6 months and it has gradually gotten worse. I am head deep into it still but have found enough in me to come back and post. I think talking stuff out might actually help me. 

So basically, before when I posted the things I did on this blog, I was already on a downword spiral. Always angry, hating the world, blaming everyone else for my problems. And I got to the point where I just wanted to be alone and signed off. Also a part of me was dissatisfied with my lack of followers and I felt like I was going no where. But anywho, I gave up on trying to express myself. Not only on this blog but in real life. I gave up on everything, and I did horrible things to myself that I regret. 

It was just a mess. And when you're battling with yourself internally, the last thing you want to do is put yourself out there for everyone to look at you know? 

So with my time to myself, I definitely would NOT say I have recovered. I'm still very much sick in the head. But I can say that I feel more comfortable writing again. Writing about life to all of you to be exact. I'm sure no one really cares and I'm sure no one actually reads this but as a person with depression and anxiety, I will say writing is comforting. It Makes me feel like someone is there to listen even if there isn't. 

But anyways, with all this happening right  now and and with previous revelations, I have decided to shift this blog more into documenting my life rather then talking about fandoms. I plan to still do book reviews and confessions, but it won't be 24/7 about books anymore. I just feel like books is something I like to talk about when I'm happy and I'm never happy lately so how could I? 

I hope you like what I do with my blog. It won't be TOO different from the usual thing I used to do but the layout will change definitely. I hope you all enjoy your lives, sleep tight, and God bless.