welcome wallflowers, faults, shadowhunters, tributes, divergents, demigods, dhampires, unwinds, cirque du freaks, wizards, infernal devices, and angels! My name is Elise and my life is based off FANGIRLING! If you have a tendency to obsess over fictional characters then click that follow button!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Annabeth chase hair
Happy Halloween!!! I think this picture pretty much explains who I'm being for Halloween *hint hint annabeth
Friday, October 25, 2013
Character review #1
Gale hawthorn:
(The hunger games trilogy)
So many people get mad at me about this but honestly you guys, I really dislike Gale. From the minute his character was introduced in the first book I really didn't like how rude he seemed. Everybody always tells me that I should like him for being a good friend to katniss but seriously, there were times were he wasn't very nice to her at all. For example HE BLEW UP PRIM! ...... I do understand that he didn't know that he had at first but I think he should have been smart enough to know that she was down there helping. Not only was that a problem but in catching fire he would always get pissed at katniss just because she didn't love him and he would go off on kind of a fit. I do feel bad that his heart was broken but in the end he honestly wasn't meant to be with katniss.
Sorry I'm too fab!
So a lot of people lately have been talking about how book fangirls are crazy and that we need to live our own lives and not the lives of fictional characters. There are a number of reasons why this pisses me off so here we go.
1. No ones life is perfect and every single person in the world has a way of coping with life. Books help you feel a happiness that you may not feel in your life and I think having a short escape every once in a while is important for your emotional help.
2. How are girls who pretend they are going to marry celebrities that they will probably never meet any different from us. They are the ones that have been talking crap and it kills me because they are living in a fantasy world too. #hypocrites
3. I wear my crazy on my sleeve. I'm not going to stop obsessing over books just because some hoe tells me I'm crazy. This is my life and I'll honestly say, heck yes I'm crazy!!! I'm a crazy obsessive book fangirl and I'm proud!
4. Let's be honest they should honestly be amazed by us (wink wink). We juggle blogs, fan pages, social life, school work, and keeping our feels undercontrol all at once!!! We are freaking book warriors y'all.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
House of hades.
I want house of hades so freaking bad!!! I'm dying over here not knowing what's happening urgggg I feel so behind but JDNFJRJDHDNDJDCNJFRN
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Twitter blues.
So today I got on twitter and it said my email and password was FREAKING INVALID!!!! Someone hacked my twitter and apparently is sending all my followers spam messages. I'm so upset right now and idk what to do :( if you guys know how to help please let me know.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Reasons to love Percy Jackson
So I am finally reading "the heros of Olympis" series and I am on book two right now which is called "son of Neptune" and reading this just makes me love Percy Jackson even more then I already do. I always loved him mostly because he's was such a sweet heart and he isn't the type of boy that judges you for stupid reasons and stuff. While reading this though it just kills me how he doesn't even know hazel and Frank but he befriends them immediately and couldn't care less whether or not they are the out casts. I love him so much it's not even funny. ❤️
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A couple months ago, all that dreams meant were nothing and they were just random mashups of crap that made no sense. Lately though I have began to have dreams that go so much deeper then just nonsense. It scares me more then it should probably but I honestly don't care. So many of these dreams though just tell me things about life that I already understand. It's painful to wake up.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Forever and always
So I made this edit in memory of Darren Shan. OMG I love him. From the beginning the cirque du freak series is what started me into book fangirling. He was my very first favorite character and he will always live in my heart. He will always be remembered to me and I hope to all other cirque du freaks. I love you always and forever Darren ❤️

Saturday, October 5, 2013
Moment of seriousness.
For those of you that have read all my other posts before this, you know that i make my life seem like a pile of dog turds but i promise its not. The recent situation that i posted about my mom just really got a whole bunch of things whirling around in my head and i feel like i need to let it out. First off i want to ask a question. have you ever just looked in the mirror and thought "wow. im such a different person then who i was last year." Well if you have im going to be honest and say that i have too. I am a sophomore in high school right now and im going to be sixteen in april. With every minute that i have lived being the age 15, i feel like each day im growing. When i was 14 i barely had a care in the world and i would cry, laugh, scream, ect. at things that meant almost nothing. Everything bad that had ever happened to me was like the end of the world and I just loved the though of not even living on this earth anymore. Like i said before with every day that live being 15 I gain more and more knowledge. Slowly with each day, with each smile, with each heart break, with each frown i become this girl sitting on this computer typing this. I become a warrior. In D&C 6: 36 the lord says "look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not." This is just a few words that i have come to live by. Who i am right now is a girl thats just pushing through life. When something happens that used to make me cry, i look at it as though it is a pointless matter. Im used to the pain, and to be honest i think that is my saving grace. When im at school i never talk to anyone, because i have learned to love being alone. When i see my ex- best friend with the girl that he replaced me with my heart breaks, but thats life. No one ever said it would be easy. The point that im trying to make is that "lifes a climb, but the view is great." (sorry its hannah montana. I just had to do it XD) Life is going to be a hoe a lot of the time, but no matter what happenes, it gets better. Dont ever stop living your life because of one mistake or one heart break. Every single one of you guys are amazing. That i would never lie about. So im just gonna say, never give up on your life, be yourself, and NEVER let someone make you feel less then you really are. :)
That's all that matters...
I was talking to my mom about the things I need for my Halloween costume because I'm gonna be annabeth chase from Percy Jackson and my mom freaked out and was like "but no one will know who you are supposed be". I immediately got sad and told her "but I'll know who I am, and that's all that matters." I walked up to my room and started crying because this conversation made me realize that I am who I am, and I don't care if people don't know what I am for Halloween. Being annabeth is something that means something to ME so I couldn't give two craps what everyone else thinks. Im not gonna be what everyone expects me to be. I'm gonna be me. :)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Serious business
Here is peeta and haymich just playing some chess lol. They defiantly take the hunger games VERY seriously.
Confession #9
You know how even if you're COMPLETELY strait there is always the question "well who would you go gay for if you had to?" Ya well it would be jennifer Lawrence lol. If I HAD to go lesbian it would be for her. Like for real so is so freaking beautiful and perfect I can't even.
Confession #8
Like I said in my earlier post, I HATE gold. Like with a passion. I would never wear jewelry that was gold unless necessary.
MULTI fandom necklace ❤️
I need this like I don't even like gold but I NEED THIS. It has Percy Jackson, the hunger games, Harry potter, divergent, and the mortal instruments. Me gusta ❤️
Vampaneze rule? Oh HECK no!
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